Forest Management and Technologies

Idesam works to promote forest management as a tool for local conservation and development for Amazonian communities. The activity is a fundamental path for the conservation of the forest and the promotion of the socioeconomic development of the traditional populations of the Amazon.

The institute works through training and rural extension activities to disseminate and improve forest management practices. The researchers involved also carry out research and work to promote public policies to evaluate and propose technical, political and management improvements for forest management.

Idesam is also a member of the Forestry Working Group of the State Environmental Council and a member of the Sectorial Chamber for the Products of the Sociobiodiversity of Amazonas.


Idesam is also a member of the Forestry Working Group of the State Environmental Council and a member of the Sectorial Chamber for the Products of the Sociobiodiversity of Amazonas.

Some trainings already carried out by Idesam:

  • Training in Forest Management;
  • Training in Forest Inventory;
  • Training in Forest Management;
  • Training in Green Value;
  • Training in Good Practices in the Extraction of Non-Timber Forest Resources (Andiroba, Copaíba, Brazil-nut).

Structuring of forest productive chains – Wood and Non-Timber Forest Resources

Training in good practices for extracting non-timber forest resources

Training in Forest Management for the implementation and operation of Forest Management (Lumber and Non-lumber)

Training in Forest Management – Reduced Impact Exploitation

Training in forest seed collection and implantation of forest nurseries

Support for the commercialization of timber and non-timber forest products



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