COVID-19: Medidas internas são adotadas para maior segurança de funcionários e parceiros do interior

COVID-19: Medidas internas são adotadas para maior segurança de funcionários e parceiros do interior

For up-to-date information on appropriate safety procedures, please visit the Pan American Health Organization’s page

By Idesam’s Communication
Translation: Felipe Sá


By Idesam’s Communication

Translation: Felipe Sá


In Brazil and in the world, initiatives of the social sector, foundations and public power have been mobilized in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and in the mitigation of its consequences. We at Idesam have been following the evolution of the epidemic and its unfolding, taking internal measures to guarantee the safety of our workers, who work directly with communities in the Amazon.

One of the first actions taken was thinking precisely of the communities, associations, small entrepreneurs and traditional peoples that help to build our work for the Amazon. We temporarily suspended our expeditions to the interior of the state in order to avoid any risk of contamination of these populations.

In addition, we suspend all events for an indefinite period until it is considered safe by the authorities. Internal and partner meetings are being undertaken remotely, by telephone or videoconference. During this period, our entire team has been working remotely, following the recommendations of the local health authority.

“In our 15 years of existence, we have resisted crises that have affected the entire world, but together we have worked hard to provide support and be a foundation for our employees and partners. That could not be different now. We will continue to fight so that our commitment to the Amazon and to the people who help to preserve it becomes even stronger”, says Paola Bleicker, Idesam’s executive director.

The work continues

Some of Idesam’s projects have been affected by the global ‘paralysis’ caused by the coronavirus. They will not be suspended or cancelled, but will need to go through adaptations of deadlines and activities, especially those that demand a lot of displacements through the interior of the state of Amazonas.

Idesam’s initiatives such as the Cidades Florestais (Forest Cities) project, the Programa Prioritário de Bioeconomia (Bio-Economy Priority Program), the Aliança Guaraná de Maués (Maués Guaraná Alliance), the Programa Carbono Neutro (Carbon Neutral Program), the Campo Sustentável (Sustainable Field) and the Accelerator Program from the Plataforma Parceiros pela Amazônia (Partners for the Amazon Platform) continue with their non-presential activities and also take advantage of this moment to reformulate their strategies until there is an improvement in the scenario.

“We are still assessing the real impacts of this situation on our operations and project activities. In the next 15 days, we will present a planning proposal to our partners and funders, with possible deadline reviews and requests for flexibility in terms of contracts and deliverables”, points out Mariano Cenamo, Idesam’s new business director.

To preserve the health of their employees, they started working from home until next Friday (April 3). Idesam follows the recommendations of the city halls and governments of each of its locations. This means that most of the field activities are momentarily suspended in order to avoid the transit of people and delay/avoid the spread of the virus.

Inevitably, the deadlines of the activities will be postponed, but we understand that the health of our team and of the communities from the Amazon that we are working with is a priority at this time.

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