Tag: terceiro setor

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Idesam ganha destaque de melhor organização ambiental brasileira no prêmio Melhores ONGs 2020

Instituto foi premiado nas categorias Meio Ambiente e destaque na Região Norte Por Comunicação IdesamFoto: Henrique Saunier Há 16 anos lutando pela preservação e desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia, o Idesam foi reconhecido como a melhor organização ambiental do Brasil pelo prêmio Melhores ONGs 2020, promovido pelo Instituto Doar. No universo de 100 ONGs eleitas como […]

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Charity campaign delivers 48 tons of food and hygiene materials for social initiatives in Manaus

The distribution took place between July 29 and 30 and was supported by Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago, benefiting over 8,000 people.   By Priscila Rabassa Translated by Felipe Sá Photo: Henrique Saunier   In the middle of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the solidarity wave has been growing and inspiring good actions. […]

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Captação de recursos e difusão do voluntariado ainda são desafios do 3° setor no Brasil

Issues were pointed out by Civil Society in an event organized by Idesam   Text and photo: Henrique Saunier Translation: Felipe Sá   Students, representatives from Civil Society Organizations and social assistance public bodies joined a debate organized by Idesam (Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon) about the third sector this Thursday […]

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