Mato Grosso sedia 1o. Curso de Aperfeiçoamento em REDD+

Mato Grosso sedia 1o. Curso de Aperfeiçoamento em REDD+

Between the 19th and the 22nd of August, in Cuiab?, the ?1st Advanced course on REDD+? will be held, from the Training Program GCF. The event is promoted by six Brazilian states which take part in the Governors? Climate and Forestry Task Force (Acre, Amap?, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Par?, Tocantins) and Idesam. The main goal of the course is to spread the knowledge about REDD+ to governmental, non-governmental and decision-making actives in themes which are related to capacity building, politics development, technology and actions and initiatives implementation.

Through this course, the organizers seek to empower governmental and civil society partners to build sub national REDD+ programs that are sturdy and integrated in broader development processes of low emission.

According to the organizers, the main challenges for the implementation of sub national REDD+ programs are matters such as the legal regulation and financing sources; integration among the projects, state programs and national politics, and others. These are the main themes which will be presented in the courses of the training program.

Many institutions that work with the theme will be present, as well as representatives from the states which are part of the GCF platform. Each of the jurisdictions is in different levels of implementation and will be able to share experiences, lessons learned and challenges.

Among the organizations which will participate in the event as panelists there is ICV ? Instituto Centro de Vida, Imaflora – Institute of Forest Management and Certification and Agricultural, Ipam ? Amazon Environmental Research Institute, INPA ? National Institute of Research of Amazon, VCS ? Verified Carbon Standards, GIZ/KfW, Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro, World Bank and others.

The GCF Training Program receives support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and is directed to five countries members of the GCF: Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Peru. Besides the course in Cuiab?, the program is expected to bring many other capacity building events up to the end of 2015.

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