Rural Sustainable Development

The Sustainable Rural Production Program (PPRS) aims to develop the management of sustainable production systems in the Amazon. It develops studies on themes that connect and transit through the different disciplines and bodies of knowledge of production systems based on sustainability principles. It also operates in rural extension with Technical, Social and Environmental Advisory (ATES) for family farmers and in supporting governments for integrated planning for sustainable rural development.

Through training and support for social organization, they strengthen the region’s human capital, generating direct socioeconomic benefits for the communities where actions are developed and also generating environmental benefits. PPRS seeks to understand the current value chains, their bottlenecks and their barriers to increase the scale of implementation and the persistence of sustainable rural production in the landscape.


Socio-environmental, economic and land-based diagnostics and development of projects related to the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR); Ecological Economic Zoning (EEZ) and the Plans for Preventing and Combating Deforestation in the Amazon (PPCD);

Technical and economic feasibility studies for sustainable agricultural products;

Technical assistance for the implementation and monitoring of value chains and sustainable rural production systems;

Support for the organization of productive groups and development of value chains;

Development of methodologies and projects to implement sustainable productive activities;

Productive conversion and recovery of degraded areas.

Increasing scale in livestock production with less impact: With semi-intensive and silvopastoral rotational grazing techniques, pilots demonstrated that these systems hold between 3 and 5 times more animals per hectare than the extensive system. The challenge is to disseminate and make these technologies accessible to most producers in southern Amazonas, and thus contribute to reducing deforestation.

Agroforestry Coffee Project:  Strengthen the coffee production chain in Apuí to improve the quality of life of local producers and environmental conservation. It involves management of coffee plantations in agroforestry with agroecological practices of production until care in post-harvest processes and processing of grains and support for commercialization. The production of those involved in the project has already doubled and the quality has increased enough to have a differentiated product of greater value in the market.

Apuí seed network: A network built to meet the demand for native seeds for reforestation, silviculture, green manure, handicrafts and seedling production, it has more than 20 collectors and has more than 200 matrices registered with MAPA. In two years it has already collected more than 4 tons of native seeds.

Technical, social and environmental advice for family farmers in settlement projects: Our technicians support the development of agrarian reform settlement projects, through training, technical guidance and articulation for social and productive organization, adoption of sustainable technologies and access to credit for almost 2,000 families in the southeast region of Amazonas and in the region surrounding the capital Manaus.



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