Climate Ventures compensa emissões de CO₂ por meio do Programa Carbono Neutro

Climate Ventures compensa emissões de CO₂ por meio do Programa Carbono Neutro

Climate Ventures is a multi-sector innovation platform that aims to accelerate a regenerative and low-carbon economy


By Idesam
Photo: Idesam/Rodrigo Duarte
Translated by Felipe Sá


Idesam’s Carbon Neutral Program just partnered with Climate Ventures to offset the CO₂ emissions from all of their meetings carried out in 2018. This will take place in the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), where seedlings will be planted to offset the equivalent to 50.3 tons of carbon emitted by their activities.

Climate Ventures is a multi-sector innovation platform that aims to accelerate a regenerative and low-carbon economy in Brazil, articulating climate, technology and businesses leaders. Among other fields of work, one of the platform’s strategy is to connect entrepreneurs and startups that have the potential to transform the paradigm of how businesses are done today.

“Climate Ventures embraced the great challenge of accelerating a low-carbon economy in Brasil. So, nothing more natural than offsetting the emissions from our annual operations. Doing this in partnership with Idesam, knowing that we are contributing to the Amazon’s reforestation and also generating income to locals, is an immense pleasure”, highlights Daniel Contrucci, director of Climate Ventures.

The carbon emissions that will be offset include all the logistics and energy consumption involved in the platform’s meetings held in 2018. 185 trees will be planted in 2019, reforesting an area of 1.8 thousand square meters in the Uatumã RDS.

The planting model used by Idesam’s Carbon Neutral Program since 2010 – called Agroforestry System (SAF) – is a way of land use that combines tree species (fruit and/or timber) and agricultural ones: both elements interact ecologically and complement themselves, optimizing the farmer’s production, allowing diversification of production and more efficient use of natural resources.

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