Publicação reúne recomendações para o avanço do REDD+ Jurisdicional

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Publicação reúne recomendações para o avanço do REDD+ Jurisdicional

The report “South-South Exchange: Cross learning with Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ in Amazonas, Brazil”, final result of the event Technical Exchange on Jurisdictional REDD+, is already available on Idesam’s website.

The cross learning, done in June 2013 in Manaus, gathered experts in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) from different countries to debate how to develop this tool in subnational levels.

The report brings a theme division as proposed in the event, where the approaches to effectively reduce emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation were highlighted, along with political difficulties and institutional management needed to the tool and, finally, issues related to monitoring and base lines establishment.

Among the main alternatives proposed by the experts, there is the creation of financing sources for the REDD+ activities, the designing of an experience exchange platform and technical support that involves all active professionals related to the topic.

The participants pointed out that many general concepts related to REDD+ still need better definitions, just as benefit sharing, standards establishments and capacity building, issues that remain confusing.

“I believe that local and jurisdictional governments have a crucial role in filling in the gaps in REDD+ development. I hope we may continue this information exchange, providing effective solutions for the REDD-related challenges”, said Mariano Cenamo, Idesam’s deputy executive director.

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