Idesam disponibiliza série de vídeos sobre Sistema Silvipastoril

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Idesam disponibiliza série de vídeos sobre Sistema Silvipastoril

Lucas Moreno
Translated by Felipe Sá


Last week, Idesam made available a series of videos on ‘Silvopastoril System: A How-To Guide’ (‘Sistema Silvipastoril: Como fazer’). It is part of the Project Seeding Sustainability in Apuí (Projeto Semeando Sustentabilidade em Apuí), carried out by Idesam since 2011, in the municipality located in southern Amazonas, in the deforestation border of the Amazon. The material targets producers, technicians and students that seek more information on the production model used in the region.

To Gabriel Carrero, Idesam’s associate researcher, these videos have the purpose of introducing the Silvopastoril System (a crop-livestock-forest integration) with Rotational Graze and encourage producers that still use Extensive Livestock Systems to change their ways. “The traditional model creates environmental problems such as soil degradation and cattle nutritional deficiency, having direct impact on the producer´s revenue”, he explains.

Rotational Graze consists of an intentional combination of trees, shrubs, pastures and cattle in the same physical space, setting a biodiverse production system, with the goal of increasing productivity per area unit. It is a multifunctional system that allows the intensification of the production through integrated management of natural resources, which also serves to rehabilitate degraded areas and transform them back into productive areas.

“Rotational Graze has two major advantages that result in greater productivity. The first is the voluminous and diverse cattle food production using natural processes. It decreases the demand for external inputs, making the system permanent and more appropriate to the animals. The second is the better use of space and fodder through rotational graze, because grasslands divisions avoid not only the waste of fodder but also soil compaction”, comments Carrero.

The videos were made with the support of Apuí’s producers and technicians, presenting tips and a step-by-step of the implementation of a Silvopastoril System with Rotational Graze.

The material is available on Idesam’s Youtube channel and you can access it by clicking here.

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