Reunião do Comitê Territorial do Origens Brasil é realizada no Idesam

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Reunião do Comitê Territorial do Origens Brasil é realizada no Idesam

The meeting, which took place this month, gathered members of the Rio Negro Territorial Committee at Idesam’s headquarters.

By Lucas Moreno and Samuel Simões Neto, Idesam

Translation by Fernanda Barbosa and Felipe Sá

Origens Brasil®, or Brazil Origins, in English,  is an initiative created to promote the sustainable development in the Amazon, through the valorization of traditional populations and indigenous peoples’ economical activities, their culture and lifestyle. It maps and connects businesses and peoples of the forests, based on long term ethical commercial relations. A digital platform that was developed for the initiative makes purchase and sales relations transparent.

Nowadays, Origens Brasil® is present in three territories: Xingu, Calha Norte and, now, it arrives at Rio Negro.

Origens Brasil® governance assures the egalitarian participation of communities and supporting institutions articulated with territorial committees. Idesam held, on April 14th and 15th, a meeting of the Origens Brasil® initiative, which aimed at shaping the territorial committee for Rio Negro. During the second day, updates were made about the training on the usage of the technological platform and the enrollment of producers with the institutions that have already joined the initiative.

Through the meeting, Imaflora’s representatives – organization that manages the initiative – presented the progress made since its creation, back in 2006, highlighting the “Impact Monitoring System” that was created together with the seal.

The activities report of the first year of ‘Origens Brasil’ is available in this link.

The newly created committee counts on the following territory organizations: ISA (Instituto Socioambiental); FVA (Fundação Vitória Amazônica); IDESAM; IPÊ (Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas); FAS (Fundação Amazonas Sustentável); FOIRN (Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Alto Rio Negro); OIBI (Organização Indígena da Bacia do Rio Içana); COOMARU (Cooperativa de Moradores Agroextrativistas da Reserva do Unini); e HAY (Hutukara Associação Yanomami).

These organizations, such as in the case of the other territorial committees, will have the role of supervising and monitoring the implementation of the initiative in the territory.

“Taking part in the Regional Committee makes possible to bring the initiatives closer in a broad and creative way, looking for strategies to integrate actions or regional innovations necessary for the development of these chains”, comments Marina Yasbek, researcher at Idesam.

Get to know more about Origens Brasil® in

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