Idesam realiza debate para Manejo Florestal de Pequena Escala no Amazonas

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Idesam realiza debate para Manejo Florestal de Pequena Escala no Amazonas

The event took place last week, and was attended by professionals, students and researchers from 13 different institutions that shaped proposals for small scale forest management in Amazonas.


By Lucas Moreno
Translated by Fernanda Barbosa and Felipe Sá


In order to discuss the use of technologies and machinery suitable for small scale forest management in Amazonas and debate the different needs at each forest production stage, Idesam organized the event “Forest Modeling – Machinery and Equipment for Small Scale Management” at the Bosque da Ciência – INPA, in Manaus.

The following institutions were represented: ADS-AM, Agroam, AmazonTrail, Apefea, Apoema Consultancy, Caama/Aleam, HDOM Consultancy, Idam, Ifam, Imaflora, Inpa, Precious Woods and Ufam, which debated the different stages of forest management and the possible technological improvements in the area. Also, during the event, the Forest Cities Project (Projeto Cidades Florestais, in Portuguese) was presented (funded by the Amazon Fund/BNDES and implemented by Idesam) – the project seeks to promote new extractive practices for timber and non-timber production in the Amazon.

In the face of the Amazon context, which presents great challenges and opportunities, the debate over the use of new technologies and machinery in forest management comes up as a survival strategy, not only for small scale initiatives, but for all the links of this production chain” comments André Viana, Idesam’s manager of the Forest Cities Project.

The event allowed the exchange of experiences, identifying risks and opportunities linked to new machinery in Forest Management. During the discussions, participants highlighted the importance of managing the usage and maintenance of machinery, especially through management tools and collective agreements.

The proposals and results from the debate will be evaluated, in order to verify their replicability potential in forest management plans in the state of Amazonas.

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