Impact business

One of the most complex links in the Amazonian productive chains concerns the flow and commercialization of products. Idesam believes it is possible to resolve this bottleneck with the promotion of businesses and services that aim to resolve this issue.

For this reason, we have invested in the incubation of brands and businesses and also, through PPA, in accelerating projects that develop proposals in this direction.

Amazônia Agroflorestal

As an initiative to foster one of the fundamental links in the value chains of Amazonian socio-biodiversity products, commercialization, Idesam created and is incubating the company Amazônia Agroflorestal. The first products are Café Apuí and Guaraná Urupadi, sold to the final consumer at the Institute’s emporium, located at its headquarters, and during events and fairs and also at points of sale in several cities, which also contributes to the promotion of these initiatives and products.

Café Apuí Agroflorestal

Idesam takes care of Café Apuí’s branding, logistics, advertising and sales strategies, also through the Amazônia Agroglorestal initiative. The product is currently sold in stores, warehouses and emporiums in Manaus, Porto Velho, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The product is also marketed at events and fairs, and by Idesam partners.

Guaraná Urupadi

Based on the work carried out by Aliança Guaraná de Maués (AGM), Idesam created a brand and new packaging for sale of guaraná to the final consumer, Guaraná Urupadi. The product was already being marketed at the Institute’s emporium, at events and fairs, and in 2019 it gained a more attractive packaging, becoming one of the items of the Amazônia Agroflorestal line.

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